The Muslim Middle East Cannot Handle a Pandemic

The Muslim Middle East Cannot Handle a Pandemic

A Weak Lebanon Plays Into Iranian Hands
Country Coronavirus Spread in the Middle East
Experts Are Predicting a Major Syrian Coronavirus Outbreak

Don’t cry yourself a river over the Middle East. With Israel the exception, all the MENA countries, still swinging between the dark ages and the Ali Baba caves of thievery, will suffer immensely too. Their healthcare systems are not up to par, nor are their social services equipped to handle the tens of thousands of cases such a pandemic might cause. In short, the Muslim Middle East cannot handle a pandemic.

MENA countries remain third world status countries. One finds either extravagant living in the form of a $600,000,000 yacht, or the $300 million home in London. Or the indignant and abject hardship and scarcity Arab citizens endure courtesy of their corrupt and vain rulers.

Because of the intrinsic detriments inherent in Arab authoritarian ruler, from corruption to nepotism, from self-absorption to narcissism, their societies today are incapable of managing national disasters. If it was not for their total lockdowns and curfews, the coronavirus might have devastated most of Arabs and Muslims.

Just imagine, then, if in the future another virus that blows with the wind like pollen might do to those societies. Arabs are ill-prepared to handle a sweeping disease that takes lives.


In that same category lie also the Arab countries fighting wars. Like Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Gaza.

It’s a double-whammy for Syria because not only an incompetent ruler controls the country, but their social services are non-existent. Bar the Assad prisons, of course, which are first-class, five stars by-the-lake pavilions of human benevolence and compassion.

Citizens of warring countries are going to experience the deadly virus head-on as their own governments divert whatever scant resources towards fighting.

Many expect Syria to suffer greatly from the coronavirus, but don’t tell this to Assad. He intends to keep killing innocent civilians in Idlib even though he could lose the war.

When rich countries suffer as much as poor countries, it does not bode well for our humanities. We stand at a forked road. The very fabric of civilizations is at stake here, and if we don’t learn from the lessons of this pandemic, humanity stands at losing all of its achievements over the last 2000 years.

What are these lessons? Authoritarian rulers are the enemies of their people. Especially, the Muslim rulers. Corrupt dictators of Arab third-world countries will perpetuate the pandemic, whether through vile inaction or wretched ignorance.

The Muslim Middle East Cannot Handle a Pandemic


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