Trump Won the Nobel Prize for … Idiocy

Trump Won the Nobel Prize for … Idiocy

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Falafel felt in his bones during the whole 2020 year of disasters that somehow the President of the United States is going to be recognized for his efforts. Little did he know that this recognition would come from one of the most prestigious organizations in the world the Nobel Committee. Our very own became the first ever to win the newly designated Nobel Prize. In fact, Trump won the Nobel Prize for Idiocy. According to the Committee, he was the only candidate, which guaranteed his win.

As is in his habit, Falafel could not forego the opportunity to interview Donald Trump to get his reaction.

As Falafel approached the White House entrance door, Trump tossed him a blond hair piece to wear. He told Falafel that he had a reputation to uphold.



Falafel: You heard the news Mr. President, you have won the first ever Nobel Prize for Idiocy. How do you feel about that?

Trump: I feel great! My record of always winning goes unchallenged.

Falafel: You realize, Mr. President, that this honor bestowed upon you will enter you in the book of records?

Trump: I am not surprised. I always win.

Falafel; How did your immediate family take the surprise?

Trump: Funny you ask, I have not been able to talk to anyone since the news broke.

Falafel: How come?

Trump: Well, Melania dodged me this morning, and the children, they tell me, are diving in some far away resorts. Too bad you can’t use the cellphone underwater. I bet you I can talk and breathe at the same time. All underwater.


Falafel: What are your plans now that you won a Nobel Prize?

Trump: I think I am going to invite all the past Nobel Prize Laureates, the white ones, to the White House for a White Christmas dinner.

Falafel: Do you think they would come?

Trump: COVID is overrated. They will all come. Besides, we have plenty of Clorox here at the White House.

Falafel: No, Mr. President, I did not mean because of COVID.

Trump: What did you mean then?

Falafel hesitating a bit.

Falafel: Well, because of what your prize stands for. Do you think they will come?

Trump: Why not?

Falafel: Well, it is after all the Nobel Prize for Idiocy.

Trump: Who cares what it’s for. I am the first to win it, no?


Shortly after Donald Trump won the Nobel Prize for Idiocy, the prestigious Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania decided to close down its doors. Apparently, it could not survive the fact that it granted one of its most famous students a degree that is also compatible with the Nobel Prize the student has won.

Trump Won the Nobel Prize for … Idiocy


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