Iranian Belligerence in the Face of Cowardice

Iranian Belligerence in the Face of Cowardice

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Iran said Tuesday it had conducted multiple ballistic missile tests to demonstrate “deterrent power,” a move that comes in defiance of U.S. sanctions imposed over its missile program in January. This is Iranian belligerence in the face of White House cowardice. The Mullahs are rubbing Obama’s nose in the dirt for the world to see.

The announcement by the official IRNA news agency said the tests showed the country’s “all-out readiness to confront threats” against its territorial integrity.

It described them as a military drill in which “ballistic missiles were fired from silos” in different parts of the country.

The United States imposed new sanctions over Iran’s missile program in January almost immediately after separate sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program had been lifted under a landmark deal with world powers.

The latest tests, called “The Power of Velayat”, a reference to the religious doctrine of the Islamic republic’s leadership, were undertaken by the Revolutionary Guards and Aerospace Forces, IRNA reported. An extreme religious test by religious extremists in a region that least need it.

Sepah News, the Guards’ official media service, carried a statement confirming the missile tests, which come less than two weeks after elections in Iran delivered gains to politicians aligned with Hassan Rouhani, the country’s moderate president.

The Revolutionary Guards report to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, not Rouhani, and their influence dwarfs that of the army and other armed forces.

AFP contributed to this article.

Iranian Belligerence in the Face of Cowardice


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