Not One Western Bullet Fired Against Shiite Terror, Plenty of Missiles Against Sunni Terror

Not One Western Bullet Fired Against Shiite Terror, Plenty of Missiles Against Sunni Terror

U.S.-backed Syrian rebels appeal for antiaircraft missiles
Obama Licenses Iran To Ship Missiles to Hezbollah
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If Barack Obama wants the rich Sunni world to acquire weapons in a frenzy, not one Western bullet fired against Shiite terror, but plenty of missiles against Sunni terror will do the job. The stronger Shiite terror is, the more Sunnis acquire weapons.

If Barack Obama wants to spark a sectarian war in the Middle East. not one Western bullet fired against Shiite terror, but plenty of missiles against Sunni terror will suffice.

If Barack Obama wants to recruit Sunni terrorists for ISIS and al-Qaeda, not one Western bullet fired against Shiite terror, but plenty of missiles against Sunni terror is all he needs to do.

As the world watches Assad butcher civilians in Syria, Barack Obama, the merchant of death, reacts by sending Special U.S. Forces against ISIS.

As Iran dispatches more IRGC terrorists to Syria to bomb civilians, Barack Obama reacts by dispatching Special U.S. Forces to battle ISIS.

As Russia finishes off the moderate forces, Barack Obama reacts by sending Special U.S. Forces to battle ISIS.

Not one Western bullet fired against Shiite terror because Shiites fetch their weapons from Russia, but plenty of missiles fired against Sunni terror because Sunnis acquire their weapons from the West.

War is costly, but terror is profitable. 

As Syria becomes the battleground for mass murderers and psychopaths like Baschar al-Assad and Ali Khamenei, and as innocent civilians die in the tens of thousands, the world over is profiting from this war. This is why not one Western bullet fired against Shiite terror, but plenty of missiles against Sunni terror.

Weapons manufacturers are happy. Terror government contractors and experts are happy. Fear instilled in the general public is bonanza time for the ratings.

The more killings, the happier people are, and the more profits circulate around. Bush was serious about “War on Terror”, but Barack Obama showed the few how “To Profit From Terror”. 

So, let’s spark that war to last a little longer by sending a small, very small, contingent of Special U.S. Forces into Syria to battle ISIS, but not Assad. Just enough to make more Sunnis angrier and deadlier. We need to feed terror with terrorists, otherwise its glow will suffocate from lack of oxygen.

Who said anything about destroying terror? No, no, we just want terror to last long enough to profit some more from it. The idea is not to eradicate it or destroy it.

If terror is destroyed, how can we snoop on Americans or use fear to trample on the U.S. Constitution? If terror is destroyed, who would buy our weapons? If terror is destroyed, how could the U.N. raise more money to save the innocent from its clutches? If terror is destroyed, how could oil prices oscillate to profit from?

Once upon a time, we believed stability was good for the marketplace, now we are learning just the opposite is true. Long live Assad, the Capitalist provider par excellence

Dumb ass Cold War fence sitters. The new way is for all of us to cooperate to provoke terror. Even if that means hundreds of thousands die, and millions become refugees.

G*d forbids we eradicate terror by battling Iran and Assad, as well as ISIS and al-Qaeda, with resolve and conviction. No, we just want Barack Obama to make us look like we are eradicating terror, but leave it intact so that we can inject more profits in the marketplace.

Dumb American voters.

Not One Western Bullet Fired Against Shiite Terror, Plenty of Missiles Against Sunni Terror


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