Know your 2016 Candidates for President

Know your 2016 Candidates for President

Gulf Countries Should Condition Aid to Assad Removal
America, Meet a Syrian Refugee Tuesday Night
Putin Called Salman. What Do You Think They Discussed?

It is important to know your 2016 candidates for President. America should never repeat the Barack Obama mistake again.

This comes to us courtesy of Baron LeMaris, a European blue blood who loves America, its people, and its exceptionalism. He says “Get to Know your 2016 Candidates for President”

All Americans should watch this over and over to decide who their next U.S. President should NOT be.

This candidate called Assad of Syria a ‘reformer” just before he gassed his own people in 2013.

Do you want this kind of lack of judgment and weakness in the White House again? If not, then get to know your 2016 candidates before you vote for slogan or politically correctly again.

Know your 2016 Candidates for President

Reuters contributed to this article.


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