Charge Gulf States Ten Percent of Oil Output for Their Security. Half Should Go to Israel.

Charge Gulf States Ten Percent of Oil Output for Their Security. Half Should Go to Israel.

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The United States has committed herself to protecting the Gulf States, for free, ever since, in 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz al-Saud aboard the U.S. Cruiser Quincy at the Suez canal.  That historic meeting culminated in the rhetoric we hear today about the special relationships Saudi Arabia enjoys as a close ally to the U.S.  Today, we believe the United States should charge Gulf States Ten Percent of oil output to continue its security commitment. Half of those funds should go to Israel for fighting the terrorists in Tehran.

Let us be honest. Without the United States behind the scenes, and Israel on the front lines, the Ayatollahs would have occupied the whole region during the Barack Obama era.

Whether the U.S. commits to a short-term so-called “Arab NATO” or not.

The rift between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the war in Yemen, and the gruesome murder of Jamal Khaahoggi all point to a new pattern of behavior that risks dragging the U.S. into wars and conflicts we wish to avoid. If you charge Gulf States ten percent of oil output, the U.S. is buying an insurance policy against the reckless behavior of the new leaders now rising in those Gulf States. Leaders that cannot be trusted to maintain order, or security to protect the output of their own oil.

If the Gulf States refuse, it is not hard to scale down our military presence at the many bases we built in those Gulf States to send a clear and loud signal. Pay-up or bust, we say.

Protecting the Gulf is an Expensive Endeavor

The protection we afford the Gulf States today is quite an expensive endeavor. Besides the expenditures in real currency, there is a costly element that escapes many analysts. It has to do with the high risks of new wars, which could tax us heavily in terms of tears and treasure. Imagine of Desert Storm did not go as well as it did. Lopsided as it may have been, the United States risked much to protect Kuwait from the claws of Saddam Hussein. It could happen again. It almost did because Saudi Arabia contemplated invading Qatar.

Through the technology of fracking, the United States is now the largest oil producer in the world topping 11mbd. Today’s world is quite different from that of 1945.

In fact, the Gulf States need our security more than we need their oil. Far more, we say.

Israel Defends the Gulf Countries Indirectly

Every time Israel bombs Iranian weapons en route to Hezbollah, it is primary protecting herself. But, it is also, protecting the Gulf States indirectly. A weaker Hezbollah also signifies a weaker Iran. On the world,stage of public opinion, and the demoralizing effect those bombing raids have on the Gulf States primary enemy. So, how do the Gulf States repay Israel? With plain rhetoric and even sometimes outright enmity.

We say charge Gulf States ten percent of oil output for the United States to continue its security commitment. We also say that half of those funds should go to Israel for indirectly protecting the Gulf States.

Charge Gulf States Ten Percent of Oil Output for Their Security. Half Should Go to Israel.


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